S07E05 Adapting spray tactics from summer to autumn pays off
On this edition of the podcast, we focus on getting spraying right. As we move from summer to autumn, it’s a good time to consider what spray practices are being implemented and to consider what practical changes might be worthwhile, such as switching out different nozzles.
Nufarm Field Development Lead for Australia & New Zealand, Mark Slatter joins us on this episode. He provides an overview on correct spray application and details the new Nufarm 2,4-D product, Dropzone.
We also catch up with Forbes Farmer Charlie French. Charlie explains the evolution of his spraying systems and what he’s using in the Big 6 to control weeds.
Webinar recording
We have a new webinar recording available for you to watch. For the first time in Western Australia, annual ryegrass from a cropped paddock was found to be resistant to glyphosate and paraquat.
Farmanco Agronomist Consultant Brent Pritchard provides context on how this resistance evolved in the field.
AHRI Senior Research Fellow Dr Roberto Busi presents the preliminary results he obtained in recent glasshouse trials, which aimed to characterise the resistance. You can now watch it online here.
Ryegrass is adapted to a wide climatic range
Once considered a winter weed of southern cropping zones of Australia, annual ryegrass is being increasingly observed in more northerly districts and in summer crops in Victoria and South Australia. This article details work done by the University of Queensland’s Centre for Crop Science. Bhagirath Chauhan and his team looked at effects of temperature, salinity, drought, light and burial depth on germination of seed collected from annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) populations from northern and southern NSW and Victoria.
Summer weed control in a high input cost year
This article features Pete Newman. He answers the question: with the cost of glyphosate sitting around $14 a litre, is it still worth spraying summer weeds?