Blackgrass control in the UK and the pros and cons of paired rows
We have two diverse topics for this week’s podcast. Firstly we’ll hear from Peter Aikman (pictured above), who is a Mallee grain grower.
He will share his experience on using the Rootboot for his paired rows, revealing the positive impacts and some of the negatives too. We also hear from Nuffield Scholar recipient Richard Hinchliffe. Richard is a grower and agronomist based in Yorkshire in the UK. By using a variety of diverse tactics, he’s had a major win with controlling the very problematic weed blackgrass on his farming property. You’re joined once again by your two co-hosts Jessica Strauss and Peter Newman.
Richard Hinchliffe on his farming property in Yorkshire, UK
Richard Hinchliffe hand roguing blackgrass from his farming property in Yorkshire, UK