S07E07 Competitive and profitable crops from fixing sub-soil acidity
This week we’re focusing on the benefits of soil amelioration and the advantages of fixing sub-soil acidity.
Our guests include soil researcher Jason Condon from Charles Sturt University and NSW Department of Primary Industries Wagga Wagga Development Officer Helen Burns. They give some insights into research findings in the space.
We also hear from farmer and agronomist, Sandy Middleton, who has had some massive wins with fixing subsoil acidity.
WeedSmart Week
Tickets for WeedSmart Week Mildura, happening August 30 to September 1 are officially on sale. You can head to the events page on our website to find out more information and get your ticket.
News links
We have an article on Maximising the benefits of new pre-em chemistry. Southern Extension Agronomist Greg Condon says the wet conditions experienced last season have provided some useful insights into the new chemistries under commercial field conditions.
We also hear from Shane Kelly from Kelly Tillage about how tickling your soil surface to stimulate weed growth before planting can be a beneficial weed control strategy.
We also have an updated article running through the Big 6 principles to help you plan out what weed control strategies might work for you this year.
Ask an Expert
Our latest Ask an Expert is Can faba bean crops outcompete sowthistle?
Dr Michael Widderick, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, is our expert this month.
Michael talks about how faba bean crops have the potential to significantly curb common sowthistle, a problematic weed with widespread resistance to key herbicides, such as glyphosate and chlorsulfuron.