Listen time: 26 minutes

Disc seeder and stripper front systems

One system which some might consider a bit more obscure is that of a disc seeder and stripper front combination.

While it’s not a new concept, it’s not used as much in Australia, as it is in other parts of the world.

That could potentially change though, with those who are using it finding they’re having a win with weed management, soil moisture and reduced soil erosion.

While Pete Newman is trying to keep his RV on the road in America on holiday, AHRI extension officer and Grassroots Agronomy owner Greg Condon fills in. He talks to co-host Jessica Strauss about the down and upsides of the system, as well as giving a seasonal update.

Tom Robinson from Hoyleton in South Australia uses this system and had a chat with Jessica about why he and his father Ashley adopted it on their farm. He also gives an insight into the pros and cons.

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