S07E15 Faba beans pack a punch against sowthistle
In this podcast, we find out what gives faba beans the competitive edge when it comes to out-competing sowthistle.
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland Principal Research Scientist, Michael Widderick, joins us to share research results he and his team have been working on over the last 5 years (with investment from GRDC).
We review how seeding went this year and consider the effectiveness of pre-emergent herbicides. Bayer Market Development Agronomist, Gus MacLennan joins us to discuss this topic, as well as some trial work he is managing in this space.
We also discuss AHRI’s Dr Roberto Busi’s latest research which has shown Velocity® resistant wild radish.
WeedSmart Week Mildura – it’s next week!
It’s not too late to get your ticket to WeedSmart Week Mildura. It’s happening next week from August 30 to September 1 and we’d love to see you there. You can find out more and register here.
New content on the WeedSmart website
If you missed yesterday’s webinar with our Northern Extension agronomist, Paul McIntosh and Eric Koetz from NSW DPI on weed control in cotton, you can now watch the recording on our website.
Our content producer, Cindy Benjamin, has produced some great new articles this month.
We have a brand new Ask an Expert with Dr Tom Wolf, Agrimetrix Research & Training (Saskatchewan). It’s called ‘How can I gain more spray efficiency?
Most growers would know that efficiency is not all about speed. When it comes to spray application efficiency the keys to success are firstly hitting the target with the right product at the right time, and secondly, maximising the time the sprayer is in the field rather than refilling.
We also have a news article on a recent GRDC survey of 1200 grain growers. In response to a growing awareness of herbicide resistance in weeds, Australian grain growers are increasing the diversity of their cropping programs and implementing more cultural weed control tactics. To learn more about the findings, check out the article.