S06E21 How soil amelioration saved the day for Warakirri’s Condingup enterprise
You’ve heard from us before that soil amelioration can be a game changer – it can bury up to 90% of weed seeds! In this edition of the podcast, we’re getting a snapshot into how soil amelioration saved the day for Warakirri’s Condingup farm manager, Con Murphy, as well as getting an overview of what other Big 6 principles they’re using.
New content
Our next Regional Update will come out next Monday and we’ll be heading to the Northern Region. Make sure you’re subscribed on your podcast app of choice so you don’t miss it! You can find us by searching “WeedSmart Podcast” on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox and any other podcast platform.
Make sure you check out our latest Ask an Expert. This month Dr Chris Preston answers the question How does ryegrass adapt so readily to farming practices and environmental changes?
We’ve also got a new Case Study for June on Elton and Pam Petersen from Moonie in Queensland.
A SwarmFarm robot, ‘Oscar’, has added another dimension to their integrated weed management program, which features the majority of the WeedSmart Big 6 tactics.
In two summer fallows the Petersens have regained control of glyphosate resistant feathertop Rhodes grass and awnless barnyard grass that was threatening their 2000 ha dryland cropping operation.
Join us to and hear how the WeedSmart’s Big 6 strategies are best utilised to combat annual ryegrass in the High Rainfall Zones of South Eastern Australia. Presented by University of Adelaide’s Chris Preston, followed by a Q&A with James Manson from Southern Farming Systems. Register here.
WeedSmart Week
Just a reminder that tickets are now able to be purchased for Esperance WeedSmart Week. It’s the first time in 5 years the event will be back in WA. It’s happening from the 17th to the 19th of August 2021. WeedSmart Week is designed to engage growers and advisors on WeedSmart’s Big 6 messages. You can get your tickets here.