Listen time: 32 minutes

How to address soil compaction

Soil compaction is an issue farmers face in regions across the country, however, there are some unique differences between management approaches in the Western/Southern regions, compared to the Northern region.

DAFWA researcher Bindi Isbister is part of a GRDC-funded project delving into the use of deep ripping and other soil compaction amelioration tactics with CTF to address deep subsoil compaction. PHOTO: DAFWA

In this podcast, we chat with Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA Agricultural Development Officer, Bindi Isbister (pictured above), who is based in Geraldton, WA, to get a Western/Southern perspective.

Agronomy professional & crop nutrition specialist, Bede O’Mara, gives us the Northern perspective. He works at Incitec Pivot Fertilisers in Toowoomba.

Bede O’Mara is based in Toowoomba and chats to us about dealing with soil compaction in the Northern region

Soil compaction leads to aeration issues and reduced water infiltration rates. This impacts negatively on a crop as its roots have less access to water and nitrogen.

Compacted areas reduce water movement and decrease plant growth, leading to a less competitive crop and potentially more weeds.

Take a listen to the podcast to learn how to prevent soil compaction and how to deal with it if you do have compacted soils.

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