Listen time: 31 minutes

S08E14 How to deal with resistant ryegrass incursions and an update on the Single Shot

This is our 200th WeedSmart podcast episode – thank you for downloading the podcast and being part of the community since 2016.

In this episode, we talk about weed hygiene and how to deal with resistant ryegrass incursions, with Moree agronomist Garry Onus. We also talk to Ben Single from Single Agriculture about the Single Shot drone mapping technology which will be on display at WeedSmart Week Dubbo at the Machinery Expo on August 2nd.

Speaking of WeedSmart Week, this will be our 10th event and we’ll be celebrating WeedSmart’s 10th anniversary – so not only will there be practical information on weed control solutions, but it’ll also be a great networking environment. There’s still time to get your tickets, so head to the WeedSmart website today to secure your spot. 

Articles and events 

Our content writer Cindy Benjamin has written some excellent articles this month.

1.     Make every drop of herbicide count: For ten years, WeedSmart has stood alongside growers and agronomists, promoting science-backed practices known to drive down the weed seed bank and stave off the threat of herbicide resistance. To mark this milestone, the WeedSmart team and our research partners have reviewed the WeedSmart Big 6 tactics and made a few modifications, including the addition of ‘Optimise spray efficacy’. Read more here. 

2.     Plan your attack on the weed seed bank: Controlling weeds is an ongoing task and requires determination and persistence. Having a great plan of attack is essential. Here we summarise the key components of the WeedSmart Big 6 strategies and the principles that underpin them. You can also test your plan using AHRI’s Weed Integrated Management (WIM) decision support software for annual ryegrass, brome grass, barley grass, wild oats and barnyard grass. Read more here. 

3.     How can I best tackle sterile oat in Northern region wheat crops? In this Ask an Expert, we chat with Gulshan Mahajan, Adjunct Associate Professor, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation. Sterile oat (Avena ludoviciana) is the northern region’s most competitive grass weed in cereal crops, costing growers more than 20 thousand tonnes in yield loss and a revenue loss of $4.5 million. Dr Mahajan, says an integrated approach to controlling this weed will save yield and drive down the weed seed bank. Read more here. 

 4.     Upcoming Webinar 

Webinar: Combating resistant annual ryegrass in northern farming systems

In this webinar, Nutrien agronomist Garry Onus will talk about practical strategies to prevent and manage incursions of resistant annual ryegrass populations in northern cropping systems.

Brad Jackson and his family run a 1,700 ha cropping operation in Gurley, in northern NSW, in addition to a 400 ha organic farming system at Westmar, southern Queensland. Brad will share the cultural, mechanical and chemical strategies he deploys to keep annual ryegrass at bay.

The WeedSmart podcast is produced and presented by WeedSmart Project Manager, Jessica Strauss, with WeedSmart Extension Agronomist Peter Newman as co-host. Learn more about WeedSmart by checking out our website. Don’t forget you can follow us on Twitter too.

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