Listen time: 37 minutes

New herbicide resistance test and getting crop topping right

It’s that time of year where crop topping is on the agenda. In this podcast, we catch up with WeedSmart Southern Extension Agronomist, Greg Condon about crop topping pulses and also canola and the value you can get out of it. We’ll also be talking about double knocking spray fallow and late-season weed identification. You can visit the Pulse Australia website for more information on crop topping here.

Greg Condon, Grassroots Agronomy and Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (AHRI) southern extension agronomist, advocates crop-topping plus harvest weed seed control as an effective way to drive down annual ryegrass and wild radish numbers.

We’ll also speak with AHRI researcher Roberto Busi. He’s found cross-resistance between a few of our key pre-emergent herbicides. Roberto gives us an overview of the work he’s been doing in this space. We also find out more about the new herbicide resistance testing service being offered through UWA is coordinating.

You can follow Roberto Busi on Twitter here and follow the UWA Herbicide Resistance Testing service here.

Wild radish populations tested with three different modes of action to identify multiple herbicide resistance. Photo: Roberto Busi

Join your co-hosts Jessica Strauss and Peter Newman and take a listen now.

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