Listen time: 38 minutes

The cost of a bad herbicide mix and innovative farmer Tim Rethus talks about his farming system

Herbicide mixes are not all one of the same. The efficacy of a mix can be affected significantly by the adjuvant it’s mixed with. On this podcast, we chat with Research Agronomist with Jubilee Consulting, Andrew Somervaille. He explains herbicide mixes in more detail, with a particular emphasis on glyphosate. South Australian Independent Consultant, Craig Davis also talks about herbicide mixes and shares what advice he gives his clients in this regard.

We also talk to Tim Rethus. He’s an innovative farmer who will be presenting at the upcoming WeedSmart Week in Horsham. He farms with his brother Luke, father Geoff and long-time worker Glenn.

His farm, near Horsham in the Wimmera, is a 100% dryland winter cropping enterprise, receiving 425mm annual rainfall with around 3/4 of that rain falling during the growing season. In this interview, we get a snapshot of the farming system Tim and his family have adopted on their farm, as well as some guidance on how to make innovate decisions for your farming enterprise.

You can learn more from Tim at WeedSmart Week in Horsham. Get your tickets here.


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