Listen time: 39.16 minutes

S06E25 With a 450,000 ha cotton crop predicted, getting weed control right counts

On this edition of the podcast, we’re going to chat to the Northern Grower Alliance CEO, Richard Daniel about the results they got from survey they recently did on optical spraying. Some of the results were quite surprising, especially when it came to how farmers were using the sprayers.

We also hear from Cotton Australia Chair, Hamish McIntyre. He explains why the Round-Up Ready Xtend Crop System from Bayer is so important for cotton growers. Hamish also provides some context around why ensuring the stewardship of this product is so essential.

News & Links

We’ve got a new article on kicking the herbicide habit. We look at how random weed surveys are continuing to identify an increasing trend in herbicide resistance across broadacre cropping regions in Australia. Dr Peter Boutsalis & Dr John Broster provide comment here.

WeedSmart Week 

Just a reminder that tickets are now able to be purchased for Esperance WeedSmart Week. The early bird price of $190 ends on July 31 and then goes up to $250 after this, so if you’re planning on going, get your tickets sooner rather than later for a discount!

You can get your tickets here.

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You can also sign-up for our monthly blog, the WeedSmart Whip Around. Our content from the last month is featured, so it’s easy to get to all the latest news in one spot.

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