Optimise spray efficacy
Make every droplet count
Optimising spray efficacy will help you hit the target weed with your chosen spray product, improving your chance of killing weeds. This is more money in your back pocket as the product is getting to the target and not drifting off-paddock. This also reduces the chances of weed resistance developing.
The key takeaways:
- To maximise efficacy and reduce spray drift, follow spray application guidelines to ensure the correct speed, nozzles, water volume, boom height, and adjuvants are used. Avoid antagonistic tank mixes.
- Always use the largest spray droplet feasible that gives the highest efficacy and consider water quality.
- Avoid spraying during inversions (particularly from evening through to early morning), in high temperatures, frost and dew conditions, and when the wind speed is below 5km/h or above 20km/h.
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Case Study
James Pursehouse, Breeza, NSW
Because we are always targeting small weeds, the robot is making a noticeable difference to the density of these hard-to-kill weeds. Read More...
Ask an Expert
Can I win against ryegrass with dual resistance to glyphosate and paraquat
Dr Sam Kleemann, Plant Science Consulting, says the uptick in glyphosate and paraquat resistance needs urgent attention in broadacre systems. Read More...
Better weed control on contoured farms
A fixed WEED-IT spray boom on a robotic platform is improving herbicide efficacy on contoured farms near Bellata, NSW. Read More...
Case Study
Langley family, Winchelsea, Vic
The Langley's farming system demonstrates how alleviating soil constraints can benefit both crop production and weed suppression. Read More...
WeedSmart Big 6 on medium to low rainfall farms in NSW and Victoria
Get started with the WeedSmart Big 6 tailored for the medium and low rainfall regions of Victoria and southern New South Wales. Read More...
Ask an Expert
Have we lost some key herbicides in the Northern region?
Dr Michael Widderick says the latest weed survey has uncovered increasing resistance to glyphosate, paraquat and 2,4-D in key weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Slarke family, Lake Grace WA
The Slarke family implement an integrated weed management program to minimise the impact of herbicide resistance on their farming business. Read More...
Testing optical spot-sprayers in a low weed environment
Weed detection capability is significantly reducing herbicide use on the Holland family's mixed farming operation at Young, NSW. Read More...
Ask an Expert
What are the options to manage glyphosate- and paraquat-resistant ryegrass?
Dr Roberto Busi, AHRI says annual ryegrass with resistance to both glyphosate and paraquat demands a change in fence line weed management. Read More...
WeedSmart Big 6 on High rainfall farms in the Southern and Western regions
Get started with the WeedSmart Big 6 tailored for the high rainfall regions of Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Read More...
WeedSmart Big 6 on WA’s Low and Mid rainfall farms
Get started with the WeedSmart Big 6 tailored for the low and mid rainfall regions of Western Australia. Read More...
Testing optical sprayer technology return on investment
The economic benefits often outweigh the upfront cost of weed detection technology for both green-on-green and green-on-brown systems. Read More...
Ask an Expert
Can I take an integrated approach to summer fallow management?
The Big 6 still applies in the fallow phase to ensure you are building plenty of diversity into your weed management program. Read More...
Case Study
Rhys Daniels, Capella Qld
The Daniels run a predominantly summer-cropping program and have many tactics in place to keep their weed numbers down. Read More...
Ask an Expert
Can annual ryegrass be beaten in the Northern region?
Scout paddocks and farm borders for incursions of annual ryegrass and be aware of biosecurity hazards like contract machinery and hay. Read More...
Keep clear of paraquat-resistant fleabane
The lack of new broad-spectrum knockdown herbicide options means that we need to be working hard on other management tools. Read More...
Tackle weeds and herbicide resistance with the Big 6
Nutrien agronomists from across the country share their tips to help control crop weeds using the WeedSmart Big 6 strategy. Read More...
Reining in FTR with cultivation and competition
Since introducing this strategic cultivation regime, the Daniels have not had a problem managing feathertop Rhodes grass. Read More...
Power of crop rotation to combat herbicide resistance
It only takes one resistant plant to break an effective herbicide if selection pressure is high, and survivors set seed. Read More...
Expanded options for spot sprayers
The spread of difficult-to-control weeds into is behind the increasing adoption of optical spot spraying technologies across Australia. Read More...
Ask an Expert
How does a local weather data network help growers make spray decisions?
New weather station networks provide growers with real-time, local inversion data to help them avoid spray drift conditions. Read More...
WeedSmart Big 6 on Mid North, Yorke Peninsula and Lower Eyre Peninsula farms
Get started with the WeedSmart Big 6 tailored for the Mid-North, YP and lower EP region of South Australia. Read More...
Stop ryegrass in its tracks: First step is to prevent seed set
Bec and Ash Marshall have seen the benefits of resistance testing and implementing tactics that drive down weed numbers fast. Read More...
Ask an Expert
How does crop competition support other weed control tactics?
Crop competition is a quiet achiever in weed control that also has a synergistic effect when applied with other tactics. Read More...
Tickle those weeds this autumn
An autumn tickle of the weed seed bank can stimulate a flush of weed germination allowing for efficient control of the weed seedlings. Read More...
Summer weed control in a high input cost year
WeedSmart’s western extension agronomist Peter Newman says yes; spraying summer weeds is one of the greatest returns on investment in modern agriculture – preserving soil nitrogen and moisture reserves for the following crop. Read More...
Case Study
I’Anson Family Farms, Marrabel SA
Kym and Katie I’Anson are treating the serious soil constraints on their farms to grow more even crops and squeeze out the weeds. Read More...
Invest in the weak link crop to avoid weed blow-out
South Australian farmers, Kym and Katie I'Anson, have added multiple tactics to control ryegrass in wheat, their weakest link crop. Variable rate lime, gypsum and seed has increased crop competition and the double knock and impact mill keep the fields clean. Read More...
Ask an Expert
What can I do to control large FTR grass in fallow?
Feathertop Rhodes grass is a major weed in chemical fallows in Australia, and is notoriously hard to kill with glyphosate, but there are other options. Read More...
Case Study
Jamie and Susie Grant, Jimbour Qld
Proactive use of automated optical weed detection technology, allows continuous spraying and treating smaller and smaller weeds. Read More...
Ask an Expert
What strategies will rein in wild turnip in the northern region?
Wild turnip steals crop yield and requires additional control measures that together cost over $10 million every year across Australia. Read More...
Ask an Expert
What’s the benefit of a double paraquat knockdown?
A double paraquat application can be used to great effect to avoid a serious blow-out of glyphosate resistant annual ryegrass. Read More...
Case Study
Elton and Pam Petersen, Moonie Qld
The Petersens have rapidly regained control of glyphosate-resistant summer grasses using automated spot-spraying technology. Read More...
Ask an Expert
How can I maximise grass weed control using hybrid canola?
For a competitive canola crop to halve grass weed seed set, use a vigorous variety, robust pre-em herbicide and the best agronomic package. Read More...
Case Study
Single family, Coonamble NSW
The Singles gain good weed control year round using crops and fallow in both winter and summer on their farm near Coonamble. Read More...
Case Study
Kurt Mayne, Rolleston Qld
Kurt Mayne is impressed with the benefits that have come with the addition of an optical sprayer to their weed control program. Read More...
Case Study
Jason Rogers, Moree NSW
Keeping weed numbers down, managing patches and minimising weed seed set has been a high priority for Jason Rogers, Moree. Read More...
Keeping glyphosate resistance rare
WeedSmart is now the home to key information from Australian Glyphosate Sustainability Working Group (AGSWG). AGSWG was oringally was set up under the CRC for Australian Weed Management (Weeds CRC) to bring together commercial and research expertise from around the country with a determination to ‘keep glyphosate resistance rare’. Read More...
Alternative second knock herbicides for broadleaf weeds in fallow
Make every droplet count Optimising spray efficacy will help you hit the target weed with your chosen spray product, improving your chance of killing weeds. This is more money in your back pocket as the product is getting to the target and not drifting off-paddock. This also reduces the chances of weed resistance developing. The […]...
Big 6 winter – 3. Double-knock to protect glyphosate
Make every droplet count Optimising spray efficacy will help you hit the target weed with your chosen spray product, improving your chance of killing weeds. This is more money in your back pocket as the product is getting to the target and not drifting off-paddock. This also reduces the chances of weed resistance developing. The […]...
Case Study
Tim Rethus, Horsham Vic
Wimmera grower Tim Rethus and his family are taking an integrated approach to the weed management with a strong focus on weed-free crops. Read More...
Case Study
Lance Wise, Bowenville, Qld
An optical sprayer and disc chain combination has proved to be very effective in keeping weed numbers low on the Wise family farm at Bowenville, on Queensland’s northern Darling Downs. Read More...
Confirmed resistance to the double-knock tactic in tall fleabane
Make every droplet count Optimising spray efficacy will help you hit the target weed with your chosen spray product, improving your chance of killing weeds. This is more money in your back pocket as the product is getting to the target and not drifting off-paddock. This also reduces the chances of weed resistance developing. The […]...
Case Study
John Stevenson, Lockhart NSW
At Warakirri Cropping Trusts’ ‘Orange Park’, manager John Stevenson has set up a crop rotation that is profitable and able to combat herbicide resistance in weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Aaron McDonald, Horsham Vic
Hay production is a central component of Aaron McDonald’s mixed farming operation and is helping to keep herbicide resistance in weeds at bay. Read More...
Ask an Expert
Can I retain stubble and keep weeds under control?
Make every droplet count Optimising spray efficacy will help you hit the target weed with your chosen spray product, improving your chance of killing weeds. This is more money in your back pocket as the product is getting to the target and not drifting off-paddock. This also reduces the chances of weed resistance developing. The […]...
Case Study
Daniel Fox, Marrar NSW
Marrar farmer Daniel Fox is chasing higher yields across his 2100 ha cropping program while also driving down weed seed numbers. Read More...
Resistance risk to eliminate herbicides on irrigated farms
Make every droplet count Optimising spray efficacy will help you hit the target weed with your chosen spray product, improving your chance of killing weeds. This is more money in your back pocket as the product is getting to the target and not drifting off-paddock. This also reduces the chances of weed resistance developing. The […]...
Case Study
Karl Raszyk & Robert Hughes, Scaddan WA
Karl Raszyk saw potential in the chaff tramlining system to help manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Colin McAlpine, WA
Colin has thrown everything he can at reducing the weed burden on his farm while taking all precautions to protect the available herbicide modes of action. Read More...
Case Study
Greg Martin, VIC
Greg Martin believes resistance had evolved due to a lack in rotation of chemical groups and not enough importance given to controlling survivors. Read More...
Ask an Expert
How can I get the best bang for my buck with a double knock?
Make every droplet count Optimising spray efficacy will help you hit the target weed with your chosen spray product, improving your chance of killing weeds. This is more money in your back pocket as the product is getting to the target and not drifting off-paddock. This also reduces the chances of weed resistance developing. The […]...
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S09E09: Regional Update – Vicky French, Grower, Derrinallum, Vic
Vicky French is a former Elders agronomist, now grower, based in the Victorian high rainfall zone. Read More...
S09E06: Pre-emergent options and a resistance update
Bevan Addison from Adama talks pre-em options including Tenet and Ultro, and Mechelle Owen gives the latest on herbicide resistance surveys. Read More...
S08E14: How to deal with resistant ryegrass incursions and an update on the Single Shot
This episode looks at dealing with resistant ryegrass and we get an update on Single Agriculture's Single Shot drone mapping technology. Read More...
S07E21: Innovation in selective spray technology opening up growers’ options
On this podcast episode, we welcome our latest WeedSmart Partner, Hardi! We catch up with Hardi Innovation Manager, Heath Thompson to discuss the partnership and their selective spray technology, GeoSelect. Read More...
S07E10: Regional Update – Giles Kearsley, Agronomist, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
Giles provides an update on how floods in January have impacted growers and an overview on how pre-emergent herbicides have performed. Read More...
S07E06: Regional Update – Lance Turner, Farmer, East Pingelly, WA
East Pingelly grain farmer Lance Turner joins us on the Regional Update podcast and says it's a great time to consider a double knock. Read More...
S07E05: Adapting spray tactics from summer to autumn pays off
On this edition of the podcast, we’re focusing on getting spraying right. As we move from Summer to Autumn, it’s a good time to consider what spray practices are being implemented and to consider what practical changes might be worthwhile. Read More...
S06E40: Regional Update – Bernie Quade, Agronomist, Wyalkatchem, WA
In this Regional Update, we catch up with Nutrien Agronomist, Bernie Quade who is based in Wyalkatchem, Western Australia. Read More...
S06E17: Group G tips and lucerne as a fence line weed control tool
We've got new info on Group Gs and nitrogen placement. Also, have you thought about growing a crop to compete with weeds in non-cropped areas? Read More...
S06E13: Benefits of continuous spraying when weeds are small and Terrad’or explainer
On this podcast we look at good spraying practice with WA farmer Tim Critch learn about Nufarm's new Group G herbicide, Terrad'or. Read More...
Voraxor crash course and why you might consider a double paraquat knockdown
On this week's podcast we take a look at a different approach to double knocks. WA-based Farmanco agronomist, Mark Lawrence (pictured) shares with us the benefits of double paraquat and other strategies his clients in the medium to high rainfall zone in WA’s south west region are using. Read More...
Digging into the details of problem weeds
Make every droplet count Optimising spray efficacy will help you hit the target weed with your chosen spray product, improving your chance of killing weeds. This is more money in your back pocket as the product is getting to the target and not drifting off-paddock. This also reduces the chances of weed resistance developing. The […]...
Case Studies
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Case Study
James Pursehouse, Breeza, NSW
Because we are always targeting small weeds, the robot is making a noticeable difference to the density of these hard-to-kill weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Langley family, Winchelsea, Vic
The Langley's farming system demonstrates how alleviating soil constraints can benefit both crop production and weed suppression. Read More...
Case Study
Slarke family, Lake Grace WA
The Slarke family implement an integrated weed management program to minimise the impact of herbicide resistance on their farming business. Read More...
Case Study
Rhys Daniels, Capella Qld
The Daniels run a predominantly summer-cropping program and have many tactics in place to keep their weed numbers down. Read More...
Case Study
I’Anson Family Farms, Marrabel SA
Kym and Katie I’Anson are treating the serious soil constraints on their farms to grow more even crops and squeeze out the weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Jamie and Susie Grant, Jimbour Qld
Proactive use of automated optical weed detection technology, allows continuous spraying and treating smaller and smaller weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Elton and Pam Petersen, Moonie Qld
The Petersens have rapidly regained control of glyphosate-resistant summer grasses using automated spot-spraying technology. Read More...
Case Study
Single family, Coonamble NSW
The Singles gain good weed control year round using crops and fallow in both winter and summer on their farm near Coonamble. Read More...
Case Study
Kurt Mayne, Rolleston Qld
Kurt Mayne is impressed with the benefits that have come with the addition of an optical sprayer to their weed control program. Read More...
Case Study
Jason Rogers, Moree NSW
Keeping weed numbers down, managing patches and minimising weed seed set has been a high priority for Jason Rogers, Moree. Read More...
Case Study
Tim Rethus, Horsham Vic
Wimmera grower Tim Rethus and his family are taking an integrated approach to the weed management with a strong focus on weed-free crops. Read More...
Case Study
Lance Wise, Bowenville, Qld
An optical sprayer and disc chain combination has proved to be very effective in keeping weed numbers low on the Wise family farm at Bowenville, on Queensland’s northern Darling Downs. Read More...
Case Study
John Stevenson, Lockhart NSW
At Warakirri Cropping Trusts’ ‘Orange Park’, manager John Stevenson has set up a crop rotation that is profitable and able to combat herbicide resistance in weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Aaron McDonald, Horsham Vic
Hay production is a central component of Aaron McDonald’s mixed farming operation and is helping to keep herbicide resistance in weeds at bay. Read More...
Case Study
Daniel Fox, Marrar NSW
Marrar farmer Daniel Fox is chasing higher yields across his 2100 ha cropping program while also driving down weed seed numbers. Read More...
Case Study
Karl Raszyk & Robert Hughes, Scaddan WA
Karl Raszyk saw potential in the chaff tramlining system to help manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Colin McAlpine, WA
Colin has thrown everything he can at reducing the weed burden on his farm while taking all precautions to protect the available herbicide modes of action. Read More...
Case Study
Greg Martin, VIC
Greg Martin believes resistance had evolved due to a lack in rotation of chemical groups and not enough importance given to controlling survivors. Read More...
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Rod Birch on how the Big 6 is keeping weeds at bay at Catalina Farms
Rod Birch (Coorow, WA) gives an overview of what Big 6 principles are working for them. He also explas how they're approaching weed control at new property acquisition, 'Koobabbie', which hadn't changed hands for 115 years. Read More...
WeedSmart Week Forum Day Videos
Watch all the videos from our Esperance WeedSmart Week Forum Day! Read More...
What’s next in the North for weed control?
Agronomists Peter McKenzie and Angus Dalgliesh discuss the weed control tactics their clients have been using to deal with their weed challenges. Read More...
You don’t know what you don’t know about managing weeds
Make every droplet count Optimising spray efficacy will help you hit the target weed with your chosen spray product, improving your chance of killing weeds. This is more money in your back pocket as the product is getting to the target and not drifting off-paddock. This also reduces the chances of weed resistance developing. The […]...
WeedSmart in HRZ – practical options for dealing with ryegrass
Make every droplet count Optimising spray efficacy will help you hit the target weed with your chosen spray product, improving your chance of killing weeds. This is more money in your back pocket as the product is getting to the target and not drifting off-paddock. This also reduces the chances of weed resistance developing. The […]...
Double knock applications: extent of herbicide resistance in the north
Make every droplet count Optimising spray efficacy will help you hit the target weed with your chosen spray product, improving your chance of killing weeds. This is more money in your back pocket as the product is getting to the target and not drifting off-paddock. This also reduces the chances of weed resistance developing. The […]...
Fact Sheets
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Fact Sheet
Hazardous inversions and spray drift
Current regulations prohibit spraying of agricultural chemicals when hazardous temperature inversions exist. Read More...
Fact Sheet
Sustainable glyphosate use in winter grain cropping systems in southern Australia
You can reduce the risk of glyphosate resistance in weeds if you follow the recommended practices in this factsheet. Read More...
Fact Sheet
Sustainable glyphosate use in Australian vegetable production
You can reduce the risk of glyphosate resistance in weeds if you follow the recommended practices in this factsheet. Read More...
Fact Sheet
Sustainable glyphosate use on roadsides, railways, public utilities and parks
You can reduce the risk of glyphosate resistance in weeds if you follow the recommended practices in this factsheet. Read More...
Fact Sheet
Sustainable glyphosate use in Australian orchards and vineyards
You can reduce the risk of glyphosate resistance in weeds if you follow the recommended practices in this factsheet. Read More...
Fact Sheet
Sustainable glyphosate use in northern Australian grain and cotton systems
You can reduce the risk of glyphosate resistance in weeds if you follow the recommended practices in this factsheet. Read More...
Fact Sheet
Northern IWM factsheet – common sowthistle
Understand the ecology of common sowthistle and effective management tactics. Read More...
Fact Sheet
Windmill grass – Northern Region
Understand the ecology and effective management tactics to better manage this key weed. Read More...