Stop weed seed set

Take no prisoners

It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a second knock to clean up survivors to other selective herbicides, preventing resistance evolution and prolonging the life of the selective herbicides.

One comment that you will hear time and time again from successful grain growers is, “we never miss an opportunity to stop seed set”. Sure, the opportunity does not always present itself, but when it does we owe it to ourselves to stop seed set at all costs and take no prisoners.

Check out the GRDC’s latest fact sheet on pre-harvest herbicide use (including crop topping).

The key takeaways:

  • Aim for 100% control of weeds and diligently monitor for survivors in all post-weed control inspections.
  • Crop top or pre-harvest spray in crops to manage weedy paddocks,
  • Consider hay or silage production, brown manure or long fallow in high-pressure situations.
  • Use all appropriate strategies in the pasture phase to reduce the weed seed bank prior to the cropping phase.
  • Consider shielded spraying, optical spot spraying technology, targeted tillage, inter-row cultivation or chipping.
  • Windrow (swath) to collect early shedding weed seed.
  • Use two or more different weed control tactics (herbicide or non-herbicide) to control survivors.
  • In cotton farming systems, consider late-season strategic tillage operations for better overall weed and Helicoverpa pupae control.


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Reinventing the pre-seeding double-knock tactic

Glufosinate is a double-knock alternative where annual ryegrass has glyphosate and paraquat resistance – but it is not a simple swap. Read More...
Ask an Expert

Can sheep help manage feathertop Rhodes grass?

Integrating grazing and herbicide treatments can significantly impact the seed bank of feathertop Rhodes grass on mixed enterprise farms. Read More...

Cover crops suppress fallow weeds and support profitable grain crops

With increasing herbicide resistance in weeds, is cover cropping a feasble fallow management practice in dryland broadacre cropping systems? Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

James Pursehouse, Breeza, NSW

Because we are always targeting small weeds, the robot is making a noticeable difference to the density of these hard-to-kill weeds. Read More...
Ask an Expert

Can I win against ryegrass with dual resistance to glyphosate and paraquat

Dr Sam Kleemann, Plant Science Consulting, says the uptick in glyphosate and paraquat resistance needs urgent attention in broadacre systems. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Langley family, Winchelsea, Vic

The Langley's farming system demonstrates how alleviating soil constraints can benefit both crop production and weed suppression. Read More...

WeedSmart Big 6 on medium to low rainfall farms in NSW and Victoria

Get started with the WeedSmart Big 6 tailored for the medium and low rainfall regions of Victoria and southern New South Wales. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Craig Bignell & Sarah Robinson, Broomehill, WA

The WeedSmart Big 6 is keeping weed numbers down and reducing the impact of herbicide resistance on the Bignell’s mixed farming enterprise. Read More...
Ask an Expert

Have we lost some key herbicides in the Northern region?

Dr Michael Widderick says the latest weed survey has uncovered increasing resistance to glyphosate, paraquat and 2,4-D in key weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Slarke family, Lake Grace WA

The Slarke family implement an integrated weed management program to minimise the impact of herbicide resistance on their farming business. Read More...
Ask an Expert

What are some blue-sky weed control technologies?

Electric weeders, directed energy, gametocides and allelopathy are some promising new weed control methods. Read More...
Ask an Expert

What are the options to manage glyphosate- and paraquat-resistant ryegrass?

Dr Roberto Busi, AHRI says annual ryegrass with resistance to both glyphosate and paraquat demands a change in fence line weed management. Read More...

Beating glyphosate-resistant grasses in summer fallow

Since adopting many of the WeedSmart Big 6 strategies the Hamiltons have regained control of glyphosate-resistant summer grass weeds. Read More...
Ask an Expert

Is biological control of flaxleaf fleabane practical?

Biocontrol can potentially reduce the amount of flaxleaf fleabane seed produced and available to infest adjacent cropping areas. Read More...

WeedSmart Big 6 on High rainfall farms in the Southern and Western regions

Get started with the WeedSmart Big 6 tailored for the high rainfall regions of Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Read More...

WeedSmart Big 6 on WA’s Low and Mid rainfall farms

Get started with the WeedSmart Big 6 tailored for the low and mid rainfall regions of Western Australia. Read More...

WeedSmart for organic croppers

The Jacksons developed valuable weed management tactics that can be employed in both conventional and organic farming systems. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Jackson family, Gurley NSW

The 1700 ha family operation is based on a robust winter cropping program featuring wheat, barley, chickpea, canola and linseed to help keep weed numbers low and manage risk. Read More...
Ask an Expert

What are the economic benefits of diverse rotations?

Crop choice and rotation planning are very powerful weed control tactics, central to a biologically-robust and sustainable farming system. Read More...

Testing optical sprayer technology return on investment

The economic benefits often outweigh the upfront cost of weed detection technology for both green-on-green and green-on-brown systems. Read More...
Ask an Expert

Can I take an integrated approach to summer fallow management?

The Big 6 still applies in the fallow phase to ensure you are building plenty of diversity into your weed management program. Read More...

Windrowing barley plus HWSC in the high rainfall zone

Windrowing barley and cutting as low as possible minimises weed seed shedding, so we capture the seed and pass it through the impact mills. Read More...

Never miss an opportunity to tackle weeds

One of the main benefits of using harvest weed seed control is that the Turners still have many newer herbicide products up their sleeve. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Rhys Daniels, Capella Qld

The Daniels run a predominantly summer-cropping program and have many tactics in place to keep their weed numbers down. Read More...
Ask an Expert

Can annual ryegrass be beaten in the Northern region?

Scout paddocks and farm borders for incursions of annual ryegrass and be aware of biosecurity hazards like contract machinery and hay. Read More...

Keep clear of paraquat-resistant fleabane

The lack of new broad-spectrum knockdown herbicide options means that we need to be working hard on other management tools. Read More...

Tackle weeds and herbicide resistance with the Big 6

Nutrien agronomists from across the country share their tips to help control crop weeds using the WeedSmart Big 6 strategy. Read More...

Plan your attack on the weed seed bank

Here we summarise the key components of the WeedSmart Big 6 strategies and the principles that underpin them. Read More...

Resistant ryegrass challenges disc seeding systems

With limited pre-emergence herbicide options registered for use with disc seeders, growers must implement other weed control strategies. Read More...

Power of crop rotation to combat herbicide resistance

It only takes one resistant plant to break an effective herbicide if selection pressure is high, and survivors set seed. Read More...

Expanded options for spot sprayers

The spread of difficult-to-control weeds into is behind the increasing adoption of optical spot spraying technologies across Australia. Read More...

WeedSmart Big 6 on Mid North, Yorke Peninsula and Lower Eyre Peninsula farms

Get started with the WeedSmart Big 6 tailored for the Mid-North, YP and lower EP region of South Australia. Read More...

Investigating the role of competitive wheat against three northern region weeds

Weed ecology highlights integrated weed management tactics for common sowthistle, Mexican poppy and turnipweed in the northern grains region. Read More...
Ask an Expert

Are we gaining ground against herbicide resistant weeds?

Random weed surveys show an upward trajectory in the percentage of samples with resistance to a suite of common herbicides. Read More...

Resistant ryegrass found in summer crops and further north than ever

Annual ryegrass is germinating in summer crops and fallows in south-eastern Australia, already carrying resistance to many common herbicides. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Simon Burgess, Conara Tasmania

Reconfiguring paddocks for irrigation can bring up many issues related to previous management and land use, including weeds. Read More...

Stop ryegrass in its tracks: First step is to prevent seed set

Bec and Ash Marshall have seen the benefits of resistance testing and implementing tactics that drive down weed numbers fast. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Michael Nichols, Sisters Creek, Tas

When herbicide resistant annual ryegrass arrived on their farm Michael Nichols knew he needed to prevent a ‘stop farming’ event. Read More...
Ask an Expert

How does crop competition support other weed control tactics?

Crop competition is a quiet achiever in weed control that also has a synergistic effect when applied with other tactics. Read More...

Australian grain growers tackle herbicide resistance

Australian grain growers are responding to the challenge of increasing herbicide resistance in weeds through the adoption of IWM practices. Read More...
Ask an Expert

Can pulse cover crops tackle multi-resistant ryegrass in irrigated systems?

Field pea provides an effective winter fallow clean to manage resistant ryegrass ahead of planting rice or wheat. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Jamie and Susie Grant, Jimbour Qld

Proactive use of automated optical weed detection technology, allows continuous spraying and treating smaller and smaller weeds. Read More...
Ask an Expert

What can I do at harvest to reduce my future weed burden?

Harvest time is an important opportunity to assess weed burden across the farm and be proactive about driving down the weed seed bank. Read More...

Advances made in weed recognition technologies

Australian researchers are developing technologies that will deliver ‘green-on-green’ weed recognition and targeted control in-crop. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Elton and Pam Petersen, Moonie Qld

The Petersens have rapidly regained control of glyphosate-resistant summer grasses using automated spot-spraying technology. Read More...

Don’t sow wild oats

Research shows that stopping seed set for two years could lead to complete control of wild oats in the field. Read More...
Ask an Expert

How can I maximise grass weed control using hybrid canola?

For a competitive canola crop to halve grass weed seed set, use a vigorous variety, robust pre-em herbicide and the best agronomic package. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Single family, Coonamble NSW

The Singles gain good weed control year round using crops and fallow in both winter and summer on their farm near Coonamble. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Kurt Mayne, Rolleston Qld

Kurt Mayne is impressed with the benefits that have come with the addition of an optical sprayer to their weed control program. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Messina family, Mullewa WA

Weed-identifying cameras are allowing for real-time weed detection and tailored herbicide application in-crop. Read More...

Make seedbank management your priority this year

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...
Case Study
Case Study

Jason Rogers, Moree NSW

Keeping weed numbers down, managing patches and minimising weed seed set has been a high priority for Jason Rogers, Moree. Read More...

Harvest tips, crop topping + trifluralin resistance

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...

Crop topping, using Sharpen & getting ready for harvest

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...

Spray drift & crop competition

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...
Case Study
Case Study

Andrew & Jocie Bate, Gindie Qld

A desire to alleviate compaction on their farm is the driving force behind Andrew and Jocie Bate's agtech venture into robotics. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Beefwood Farms, Moree NSW

Glenn Coughran has used optical sprayers as the foundation of a rejuvenated weed control program over the last 14 years. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Day family, Lockhart NSW

Mark Day and his brother Steven run a highly efficient cropping rotation on their family farm at Lockhart, NSW. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Tim Rethus, Horsham Vic

Wimmera grower Tim Rethus and his family are taking an integrated approach to the weed management with a strong focus on weed-free crops. Read More...

Getting the edge on brome grass on non-wetting soils

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...
Ask an Expert

What is the critical period for weed control?

Once a crop has passed the critical period for weed control, the crop should out-compete any new weed germinations. Read More...

Spray out low yield potential crops now or crop top later?

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...

Delay spraying stressed weeds after rain

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...
Case Study
Case Study

Mark Sandow, SA

Herbicide-resistant annual ryegrass has been an ongoing challenge for grain producers in the Mintaro area of South Australia since the 1980s. Read More...

Options for crop topping canola

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...


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S8E20: Regional Update – Dan Skerman, Grower and Agronomist, Dalby, Qld

This week on the Regional Update, we are joined by grower and Nutrien agronomist Dan Skerman, who talks about his summer/winter rotation and the weed control practices he deploys on the farm. Read More...

S08E19: Crop preparation ahead of harvest and optimum harvester set-up for HWSC

In this podcast, we talk about harvest preparedness. We hear from two of WeedSmart’s extension agronomists. Read More...

S08E14: How to deal with resistant ryegrass incursions and an update on the Single Shot

This episode looks at dealing with resistant ryegrass and we get an update on Single Agriculture's Single Shot drone mapping technology. Read More...

S08E02: Harvest recap across the regions

For our first main episode back, we hear from our extension agronomists on how harvest went across the regions. Read More...

S07E19: Crop topping tips to stop weed seed set pre-harvest

Stopping weed seed set with crop topping is critical to prevent weeds coming back with a vengeance next year. Listen to this podcast for tips on your region. Read More...

S07E13: Tackling brome and ryegrass in the Mallee at WeedSmart Week Mildura

In this podcast episode, we hear from some of the presenters for WeedSmart Week Mildura, as well as learn about the weed issues in the Mallee. Read More...

S06E37: Controlling late season weeds and driving down the weed seedbank

After couple of good years of rain in the Southern Region, weeds like ryegrass are popping up through the crop. So how do we deal with them? Read More...

S06E35: How giving the soil a light tickle can help with uniform weed control

On this edition of the podcast, we’re looking at how giving the soil a light tickle can help with uniform weed control with Shane Kelly from Kelly Tillage. Read More...

S06E33: Why crop topping is a great tool to prevent weed seed set

It's hard to believe that harvest is just around the corner! In light of this fast approaching reality, we wanted to talk about crop topping and spray topping. Read More...

S06E10: New green-on-green autonomous spraying technology overview

Goldacres technical guru, David Tuppen talks to us about the latest innovations in spray technology. Read More...

US weed control group GROW joins forces with WeedSmart and our pre-harvest guide

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...

Crop topping, using Sharpen & getting ready for harvest

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...

Case Studies

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Case Study
Case Study

James Pursehouse, Breeza, NSW

Because we are always targeting small weeds, the robot is making a noticeable difference to the density of these hard-to-kill weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Langley family, Winchelsea, Vic

The Langley's farming system demonstrates how alleviating soil constraints can benefit both crop production and weed suppression. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Craig Bignell & Sarah Robinson, Broomehill, WA

The WeedSmart Big 6 is keeping weed numbers down and reducing the impact of herbicide resistance on the Bignell’s mixed farming enterprise. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Slarke family, Lake Grace WA

The Slarke family implement an integrated weed management program to minimise the impact of herbicide resistance on their farming business. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Jackson family, Gurley NSW

The 1700 ha family operation is based on a robust winter cropping program featuring wheat, barley, chickpea, canola and linseed to help keep weed numbers low and manage risk. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Rhys Daniels, Capella Qld

The Daniels run a predominantly summer-cropping program and have many tactics in place to keep their weed numbers down. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Simon Burgess, Conara Tasmania

Reconfiguring paddocks for irrigation can bring up many issues related to previous management and land use, including weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Michael Nichols, Sisters Creek, Tas

When herbicide resistant annual ryegrass arrived on their farm Michael Nichols knew he needed to prevent a ‘stop farming’ event. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Jamie and Susie Grant, Jimbour Qld

Proactive use of automated optical weed detection technology, allows continuous spraying and treating smaller and smaller weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Elton and Pam Petersen, Moonie Qld

The Petersens have rapidly regained control of glyphosate-resistant summer grasses using automated spot-spraying technology. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Single family, Coonamble NSW

The Singles gain good weed control year round using crops and fallow in both winter and summer on their farm near Coonamble. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Kurt Mayne, Rolleston Qld

Kurt Mayne is impressed with the benefits that have come with the addition of an optical sprayer to their weed control program. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Messina family, Mullewa WA

Weed-identifying cameras are allowing for real-time weed detection and tailored herbicide application in-crop. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Jason Rogers, Moree NSW

Keeping weed numbers down, managing patches and minimising weed seed set has been a high priority for Jason Rogers, Moree. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Andrew & Jocie Bate, Gindie Qld

A desire to alleviate compaction on their farm is the driving force behind Andrew and Jocie Bate's agtech venture into robotics. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Beefwood Farms, Moree NSW

Glenn Coughran has used optical sprayers as the foundation of a rejuvenated weed control program over the last 14 years. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Day family, Lockhart NSW

Mark Day and his brother Steven run a highly efficient cropping rotation on their family farm at Lockhart, NSW. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Tim Rethus, Horsham Vic

Wimmera grower Tim Rethus and his family are taking an integrated approach to the weed management with a strong focus on weed-free crops. Read More...
Case Study
Case Study

Mark Sandow, SA

Herbicide-resistant annual ryegrass has been an ongoing challenge for grain producers in the Mintaro area of South Australia since the 1980s. Read More...


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Biological control of crop weeds – development of novel tools and approaches for integration

In this webinar we discuss the use of pathogens and insects to control crop weeds safely in the environment. Read More...

Precision weed control – where are we at?

Mark Saunders and Ben White (Kondinin Group) discuss the latest advances in spraying technology, green-on-green and green-on-brown camera developments, AI and robotics, drone and weed mapping, and more. Read More...

Detect, then spray

The Singles have been using the air-borne weed sensor, Single Shot, to rapidly detect and map weeds on their dryland cropping property. Read More...

Optical spray has a good fit in CQ

Kurt Mayne has been impressed with the benefits that have come with the addition of a WEED-IT to their weed control program. Read More...

Farming moisture : Beating weeds

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...

Mechanical desiccation of mungbeans

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...

Rod Birch on how the Big 6 is keeping weeds at bay at Catalina Farms

Rod Birch (Coorow, WA) gives an overview of what Big 6 principles are working for them. He also explas how they're approaching weed control at new property acquisition, 'Koobabbie', which hadn't changed hands for 115 years. Read More...

WeedSmart Week Forum Day Videos

Watch all the videos from our Esperance WeedSmart Week Forum Day! Read More...

You don’t know what you don’t know about managing weeds

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...

WeedSmart in HRZ – practical options for dealing with ryegrass

Take no prisoners It sounds a little obvious, but annual weeds must set seed if the species is to persist, so stopping weed seed set is a critical strategy to manage herbicide-resistant weeds. Stopping seed set does two things, 1. It reduces the size of the weed seed bank, and 2. It acts as a […]...

Fact Sheets

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Fact Sheet

Control barley grass in LRZ farming systems

Barley grass in Southern and Western regions requires 3 to 4 years of seed set control to run down the weed seed bank. Read More...
Fact Sheet

Wild radish factsheet

Growers are adopting diverse and integrated control strategies to manage herbicide resistant wild radish populations. Read More...
Fact Sheet

Northern IWM factsheet – common sowthistle

Understand the ecology of common sowthistle and effective management tactics. Read More...
Fact Sheet

Windmill grass – Northern Region

Understand the ecology and effective management tactics to better manage this key weed. Read More...
Fact Sheet

Alternative herbicides for management of Group A herbicide-resistant barley grass in field pea

Control of Group A herbicide-resistant barley grass in field peas can be difficult. This factsheet outlines alternative herbicide options. Read More...

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