Register for our upcoming events here, from our flagship event WeedSmart Week to online events like webinars.
Past Events
Webinar: How faba beans pack a punch against sowthistle
Dr Michael Widderick (QDAF) will talk about faba bean crop competition research in the northern grains region for our November 3 webinar. Read More...
WeedSmart Week 2023 – Dalby
Learn from local growersand agronomists about the latest innovations to control crop weeds and fight herbicide resistance. Read More...
Webinar: Combat Velocity® resistant wild radish with the WeedSmart Big 6
In this webinar, we will discuss how growers can mitigate the risk of Velocity resistance developing in their paddocks. Read More...
Webinar: No survivors – weed control in cotton, what does it look like in 2022?
In this webinar, Research Agronomist Eric Koetz (NSW DPI) and WeedSmart Northern Extension Agronomist Paul McIntosh discuss key weed control challenges cotton growers are facing. Read More...
Webinar: Making Every Drop(let) Count – An International Perspective on Spraying Efficiencies
In this webinar, WeedSmart southern extension agronomist Chris Davey and Canadian spray technology expert Tom Wolf will discuss efficient and effective spray application. Read More...
WeedSmart Week Mildura
WeedSmart Week brings together a wealth of knowledge and experience from local and interstate growers, agronomists, and technology experts – putting the spotlight on herbicide resistance and weed control. Read More...
Being WeedSmart in horticulture
WeedSmart Week brings together a wealth of knowledge and experience from local and interstate growers, agronomists, and technology experts – putting the spotlight on herbicide resistance and weed control. Read More...
Webinar: First cases of glyphosate and paraquat resistant ryegrass in WA
For the first time in Western Australia, annual ryegrass from a cropped paddock was found to be resistant to glyphosate and paraquat. Dr Roberto Busi (AHRI) presents the preliminary results he obtained in recent glasshouse trials, which aimed to characterise the resistance. Read More...
Webinar: Precision weed control – where are we at?
This WeedSmart webinar will provide an update on all things precision weed control. This will include: advances in spraying technology, green-on-green and green-on-brown camera developments, AI and robotics, drone and weed mapping, and targeted non-herbicide tools. Read More...
Webinar: Metolachlor usage in the northern region
In this webinar, Paul McIntosh and Rob Battaglia discuss how S-Metolachlor works, its efficacy, and what potential resistance problems might be around the corner. Read More...
Webinar: Can intercropping help with weed management?
This WeedSmart webinar on intercropping will outline the principles of mixing different crops together and how this can potentially provide weed management options for growers. Read More...
Webinar: Mixed farming – does it really help control resistant weeds?
This WeedSmart webinar will focus on the role mixed farming can play in managing weeds. This WeedSmart webinar will focus on the role mixed farming can play in managing weeds. Read More...