Register for our upcoming events here, from our flagship event WeedSmart Week to online events like webinars.
Past Events
Webinar: Precision weed control – where are we at?
This WeedSmart webinar will provide an update on all things precision weed control. This will include: advances in spraying technology, green-on-green and green-on-brown camera developments, AI and robotics, drone and weed mapping, and targeted non-herbicide tools. Read More...
Webinar: Metolachlor usage in the northern region
In this webinar, Paul McIntosh and Rob Battaglia discuss how S-Metolachlor works, its efficacy, and what potential resistance problems might be around the corner. Read More...
Webinar: Can intercropping help with weed management?
This WeedSmart webinar on intercropping will outline the principles of mixing different crops together and how this can potentially provide weed management options for growers. Read More...
Webinar: Mixed farming – does it really help control resistant weeds?
This WeedSmart webinar will focus on the role mixed farming can play in managing weeds. This WeedSmart webinar will focus on the role mixed farming can play in managing weeds. Read More...
Webinar: Ryegrass management in the High Rainfall Zone – What have we learnt?
Dr Chris Preston (University of Adelaide) and James Manson (Southern Farming Systems) discuss how the WeedSmart Big 6 are best utilised to combat annual ryegrass in the High Rainfall Zones of South Eastern Australia. Read More...
Webinar: Considerations for pre-emergent herbicides with dry sowing
In this webinar, we look at what factors influence the residual control of weeds by the pre-emergent with a focus on Trifluralin, Sakura and two new-to-market herbicides. Read More...
How do I make the right decision on using Group Gs?
Choosing and applying the right pre-emergent herbicide can be difficult. Dr Chris Preston and Greg Condon explain the new Group G chemistry and de-mystify which Group G works best for winter cropping systems. Read More...
WeedSmart Week Esperance
WeedSmart Week Esperance took place on 17-19 of August, 2021. Find content related to the event here, including forum day presentation videos, photo galleries and podcasts. Read More...
WeedSmart Week Clare
This year WeedSmart Week was held in the Clare region from the 1st to the 3rd of September 2020. WeedSmart Week is designed to engage growers and advisors on WeedSmart’s Big 6 messages. Read More...
WeedSmart Week Horsham
Thank you to everyone who made WeedSmart Week in Horsham a great success, including presenters, stakeholders, organisers and of course the attendees. Read More...
WeedSmart Week Emerald
Catch up on the forum day presentations from WeedSmart Week Emerald, and look through some of the pictures taken during the event. Read More...
WeedSmart Week Narrabri
Catch up on the forum day presentations from WeedSmart Week Narrabri, and look through some of the pictures taken during the event. Read More...