Case Studies
Case Study
James Pursehouse, Breeza, NSW
Because we are always targeting small weeds, the robot is making a noticeable difference to the density of these hard-to-kill weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Langley family, Winchelsea, Vic
The Langley's farming system demonstrates how alleviating soil constraints can benefit both crop production and weed suppression. Read More...
Case Study
Craig Bignell & Sarah Robinson, Broomehill, WA
The WeedSmart Big 6 is keeping weed numbers down and reducing the impact of herbicide resistance on the Bignell’s mixed farming enterprise. Read More...
Case Study
Slarke family, Lake Grace WA
The Slarke family implement an integrated weed management program to minimise the impact of herbicide resistance on their farming business. Read More...
Case Study
Jackson family, Gurley NSW
The 1700 ha family operation is based on a robust winter cropping program featuring wheat, barley, chickpea, canola and linseed to help keep weed numbers low and manage risk. Read More...
Case Study
Rhys Daniels, Capella Qld
The Daniels run a predominantly summer-cropping program and have many tactics in place to keep their weed numbers down. Read More...
Case Study
Michael Nichols, Sisters Creek, Tas
When herbicide resistant annual ryegrass arrived on their farm Michael Nichols knew he needed to prevent a ‘stop farming’ event. Read More...
Case Study
Jamie and Susie Grant, Jimbour Qld
Proactive use of automated optical weed detection technology, allows continuous spraying and treating smaller and smaller weeds. Read More...
Case Study
Peter and Kylie Bach, Pittsworth Qld
Peter and Kylie Bach are using crops to compete with weeds throughout the year, aiming for 130% utilisation of their cropping land. Read More...
Case Study
Single family, Coonamble NSW
The Singles gain good weed control year round using crops and fallow in both winter and summer on their farm near Coonamble. Read More...
Case Study
Jason Rogers, Moree NSW
Keeping weed numbers down, managing patches and minimising weed seed set has been a high priority for Jason Rogers, Moree. Read More...
Case Study
Andrew Kenny, Badgingarra WA
Andrew and Gina Kenny (Badgingarra, WA) use an integrated program of crop rotation, mouldboard ploughing, grazing and chaff lining to keep their weed numbers low. Read More...