Beating barley grass despite resistance and dormancy challenges
Learn how to control barley grass despite increasing dormancy and resistance challenges. Read More...
How faba beans pack a punch against sowthistle
Research shows there are opportunities to alter the agronomy of faba beans to suppress sowthistle growth and seed production in crop. Read More...
Rod Birch on how the Big 6 is keeping weeds at bay at Catalina Farms
Rod Birch (Coorow, WA) gives an overview of what Big 6 principles are working for them. He also explas how they're approaching weed control at new property acquisition, 'Koobabbie', which hadn't changed hands for 115 years. Read More...
WeedSmart Week Forum Day Videos
Watch all the videos from our Esperance WeedSmart Week Forum Day! Read More...
What’s next in the North for weed control?
Agronomists Peter McKenzie and Angus Dalgliesh discuss the weed control tactics their clients have been using to deal with their weed challenges. Read More...
Ryegrass management in the High Rainfall Zone – What have we learnt?
Join Dr Chris Preston (University of Adelaide) and James Manson (Southern Farming Systems) as they discuss how the WeedSmart’s Big 6 strategies are best utilised to combat annual ryegrass in the High Rainfall Zone of South Eastern Australia. Read More...