array(5) {
  string(8) "articles"
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  string(25) "Harvest Weed Seed Control"
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Resource Type Template - WeedSmart

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Case Study
Case Study

Kevin Simon, Halbury SA

Farming in the medium rainfall district of Halbury and Salter Springs SA, Kevin Simon trialled chaff lining for the first time in the 2017 harvest. Read More...

Webinar: Pre-ems provide punch to prevent weeds

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Bach family, Pittsworth Qld

In 1980 the Bach family of Toowoomba diversified their farming operation to include a commercial grain storage and handling facility. Read More...
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Warwick & Di Holding, Yerong Creek NSW

The Holdings invested in two EMAR chaff decks designed to place weed seed-laden chaff from the harvester onto permanent wheel tracks Read More...
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Cleave Rogan, St George Qld

The Rogans have implemented an integrated weed management plan with an emphasis on beginning every cropping season with very clean paddocks. Read More...

Adjuvants’ role in combatting herbicide resistance  

Correctly applied adjuvants can help maximise herbicide up-take by the plant and reduce the impact of low level herbicide resistance. Read More...
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Brendan Swaffer, Clermont Qld

Brendan and Jody Swaffer reintroduced tillage to their zero till controlled traffic farming system to manage weedy patches, primarily feathertop Rhodes grass. Read More...

Are you going spraying or killing weeds?

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Darren Jensen, Biloela Qld

One of the major benefits to come from hosting research trials is that the results relate exactly to your environment and farming system. Read More...
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Neek Morawitz, Comet Qld

Neek Morawitz's herbicide and crop program aims to keep weed numbers low to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance. Read More...
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John Stevenson, Lockhart NSW

At Warakirri Cropping Trusts’ ‘Orange Park’, manager John Stevenson has set up a crop rotation that is profitable and able to combat herbicide resistance in weeds. Read More...
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Aaron McDonald, Horsham Vic

Hay production is a central component of Aaron McDonald’s mixed farming operation and is helping to keep herbicide resistance in weeds at bay. Read More...

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