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Resource Type Template - WeedSmart

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How effective is a legume pasture phase for ryegrass control?

A single species pasture legume such as serradella can make a large dent in the seed bank of annual ryegrass and other grass weeds. Read More...

Maximising the benefits of new pre-em chemistry

New pre-emergent herbicides on the market give growers more options for mixing and rotating modes of action. Read More...

Tickle those weeds this autumn

An autumn tickle of the weed seed bank can stimulate a flush of weed germination allowing for efficient control of the weed seedlings. Read More...

Aussie HWSC innovation goes global

When Australian farmers and researchers began using harvest weed seed control, it kick-started a revolution in weed management. Read More...

Ryegrass is adapted to a wide climatic range

Once considered a winter weed of southern cropping zones of Australia, annual ryegrass is being increasingly observed in more northerly districts and in summer crops in Victoria and South Australia. Read More...
Case Study
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Warren Treasure, Moonyoonooka WA

Warren Treasure, Geraldton WA has found the iHSD impact mill’s all-in-one weed seed destruction to be a real boon over the last five seasons. Read More...

Summer weed control in a high input cost year

WeedSmart’s western extension agronomist Peter Newman says yes; spraying summer weeds is one of the greatest returns on investment in modern agriculture – preserving soil nitrogen and moisture reserves for the following crop. Read More...
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Tom Lampe, Narrabri NSW

Tom and Nikki Lampe, Narrabri use livestock to kept weeds at bay in their fallow cropping paddocks and minimise compaction using 'coolers'. Read More...
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I’Anson Family Farms, Marrabel SA

Kym and Katie I’Anson are treating the serious soil constraints on their farms to grow more even crops and squeeze out the weeds. Read More...
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New herbicide helps pulse growers tackle resistant grass weeds

The commercial release of Ultro® (carbetamide) brings a completely different mode of action into the weed control program for pulses. Read More...

Invest in the weak link crop to avoid weed blow-out

South Australian farmers, Kym and Katie I'Anson, have added multiple tactics to control ryegrass in wheat, their weakest link crop. Variable rate lime, gypsum and seed has increased crop competition and the double knock and impact mill keep the fields clean. Read More...

Double down on the double break in the high rainfall zone

A long-term trial at Lake Bolac demonstrated the strategies that control ryegrass in high rainfall zone cropping systems. Read More...

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