Changes to herbicide Mode of Action (MoA) names

Changes to herbicide Mode of Action (MoA) names

Herbicide Mode of Action (MoA) classifications have been updated internationally to capture new active constituents and ensure the MoA classification system is globally relevant.

The global MoA classification system is based on numerical codes which provides infinite capacity to accommodate new herbicide MoA coming to market, unlike the alphabetical codes currently used in Australia.

Farming is becoming increasingly global. Farmers, agronomists and academics around the world are now, more than ever, sharing and accessing information to assist them to grow crops, while managing sustainability issues such as herbicide resistant weeds. It’s important then that the herbicide MoA classification system utilised in Australia be aligned with the global classification system. This will ensure more efficient farming systems into the future and allow Australian farmers and advisors to access the most up-to-date information relating to managing herbicide resistance.

CropLife Australia is working with key herbicide resistance management experts, advisors and the APVMA to ensure farmers and agronomists are aware of the planned changes.

The numerical classification system should be fully implemented by the end of 2024.

You can find further information by reading the factsheet and visiting the CropLife website here.

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