Using military-grade satellites in the war on weeds
Military-grade satellites, plus algorithms to distinguish between crop and weed plants, can turn any sprayer into a spot sprayer. Read More...
When to mix and when to rotate
While rotating modes of action is relatively simple, mixing is much more complicated. Dr Chris Preston explains some of the potential risks involved. Read More...
WeedSmart Big 6 on medium to low rainfall farms in NSW and Victoria
Get started with the WeedSmart Big 6 tailored for the medium and low rainfall regions of Victoria and southern New South Wales. Read More...
WeedSmart Week Port Lincoln sets a new record
A record crowd at the 2024 WeedSmart Week event demonstrated how much growers value this practical and grower-centric gathering of minds. Read More...
Cost-effective dual HWSC modes
Using two modes of harvest weed seed control can maximise the feed value for livestock and minimise the impact of burning chaff. Read More...
Redefining fenceline weed control options
Some new herbicide registrations may help growers regain control and reduce the risk of herbicide-resistant weed seed moving into paddocks. Read More...
Big 6 keeps weed numbers low in the HRZ
The WeedSmart Big 6 tactics are keeping weed numbers low and extending the useful life of various herbicide modes of action for Bingham Ag. Read More...
Pushing back on herbicide resistance
Management strategies for glyphosate-resistant ryegrass will be one of the key discussion topics at WeedSmart Week in Port Lincoln this July. Read More...
Dry seeding conditions can challenge pre-emergent herbicides
Dry soil conditions at sowing can impact the efficacy of pre-emergent herbicides including potential risks to crop safety and weed control. Read More...
Efficient farm layout benefits weed control
Their block farming layout allows the Slarkes to complete major operations like seeding, spraying and harvesting very efficiently. Read More...
Don’t let weeds call the shots in your business
With good advice and the WeedSmart Big 6 checklist, you will soon be on track with an integrated plan to keep weed numbers low. Read More...
Weighing up the automated spot-spraying tech options
Automated spot-spraying (using either sensors or cameras) gives growers multiple levers to pull using different chemistry, timings and rates. Read More...
Crop competition from the ground up
At Lake Grace, WA, the Slarkes use narrow row spacing, high seeding rates, east-west sowing, VRT and soil amelioration to help combat weeds. Read More...
Testing optical spot-sprayers in a low weed environment
Weed detection capability is significantly reducing herbicide use on the Holland family's mixed farming operation at Young, NSW. Read More...
New Group 14 herbicides expand broadleaf weed control options
The Group 14 [G] herbicides now on the market are helping growers rotate away from the imi chemistry that has been heavily used in pulses. Read More...