Windrowing barley plus HWSC in the high rainfall zone
Windrowing barley and cutting as low as possible minimises weed seed shedding, so we capture the seed and pass it through the impact mills. Read More...
Never miss an opportunity to tackle weeds
One of the main benefits of using harvest weed seed control is that the Turners still have many newer herbicide products up their sleeve. Read More...
Mills impact the weed seed bank
Having seen the benefits of harvest weed seed control with an impact mill, Bruce McLean is better prepared for the next big weed blow-out season. Read More...
Winter-planted sorghum and weedy oats
Research shows there are herbicide options available to manage weedy oats in sorghum planted in late winter. Read More...
Keep clear of paraquat-resistant fleabane
The lack of new broad-spectrum knockdown herbicide options means that we need to be working hard on other management tools. Read More...
Tackle weeds and herbicide resistance with the Big 6
Nutrien agronomists from across the country share their tips to help control crop weeds using the WeedSmart Big 6 strategy. Read More...
More crop, fewer weeds at WeedSmart Week Dubbo
With strong, industry-wide backing, WeedSmart consistently promotes practical tactics that help growers to grow more crops and fewer weeds. Read More...
Make every drop of herbicide count
The WeedSmart Big 6 provides growers and agronomists with key guideline principles to use when making critical decisions about weed control. Read More...
Plan your attack on the weed seed bank
Here we summarise the key components of the WeedSmart Big 6 strategies and the principles that underpin them. Read More...
Reining in FTR with cultivation and competition
Since introducing this strategic cultivation regime, the Daniels have not had a problem managing feathertop Rhodes grass. Read More...
Resistant ryegrass challenges disc seeding systems
With limited pre-emergence herbicide options registered for use with disc seeders, growers must implement other weed control strategies. Read More...
Power of crop rotation to combat herbicide resistance
It only takes one resistant plant to break an effective herbicide if selection pressure is high, and survivors set seed. Read More...
Expanded options for spot sprayers
The spread of difficult-to-control weeds into is behind the increasing adoption of optical spot spraying technologies across Australia. Read More...
WeedSmart Big 6 on Mid North, Yorke Peninsula and Lower Eyre Peninsula farms
Get started with the WeedSmart Big 6 tailored for the Mid-North, YP and lower EP region of South Australia. Read More...
Investigating the role of competitive wheat against three northern region weeds
Weed ecology highlights integrated weed management tactics for common sowthistle, Mexican poppy and turnipweed in the northern grains region. Read More...