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S09E14: Seed dormancy 101 and a Western Region update
In this episode of the WeedSmart Podcast, we talk about how weed seeds can adapt their dormancy, discussing the selection pressures, interactions with herbicides and the recommended actions from growers to get ahead. Read More...
S09E12: Regional Update – Ian Pursehouse, Grower, West Wyalong, NSW
Ian has a systems-focused approach, with an emphasis on optimising rotations to not only control weeds - one of the WeedSmart Big 6 principles - but minimise costs across the board. Read More...
S09 E11: Regional Update – Stuart Vlahov, grower, Ellendale, WA
Stu is a grower in Ellendale, WA, around 35kms south-east of Geraldton near Walkaway, who has recently been using two drones to spray crops within his mixed farming operation spanning 3500ha. Read More...
S09E10: Looking forward to WeedSmart Week 2024!
While the event may be over, our short and sweet podcast might give you some ideas on which presentation you're looking forward to watching! Read More...
S09E09: Regional Update – Vicky French, Grower, Derrinallum, Vic
Vicky French is a former Elders agronomist, now grower, based in the Victorian high rainfall zone. Read More...
S09E08: Deep placement of phosphorus and potassium (P&K)
Deep placement of phosphorus and potassium can improve crop nutrition and therefore improve crop competition, helping you control weeds. We talked with Mike Bell, who has been focused on deep placement of P&K, and Kurt Mayne, who has been implementing it into his operation in QLD. Read More...
S09E07: Regional Update – Angus Dalgliesh, Agronomist, Cloncurry, QLD
Angus Dalgliesh is an agronomist working in north-west QLD who has been at the forefront of the growing cropping industry. Read More...
S09E06: Pre-emergent options and a resistance update
Bevan Addison from Adama talks pre-em options including Tenet and Ultro, and Mechelle Owen gives the latest on herbicide resistance surveys. Read More...
S09E05: Regional Update – Cameron Jenkin, Farm Manager, Pindar, WA
Cameron Jenkin is farm manager for the Flannagan's, who have recently been using Alfie, an automated robot, to spot spray. Read More...