View time: 47 minutes

Maximise your crop

We cover how to control harvest weed seed set with windrows and crop topping, plus the best way to set up your harvester for any of the harvest weed seed control tools.

Are you ready to destroy weed seeds this harvest?

Yes? Then check out these two webinar recordings.


Part 1: Controlling harvest weed seed set with windrows & crop topping

Windrowing barley could be an option this year if you struggle with the pressure of harvesting a number of crops at the same time. The added bonus? It gives you another shot at the weeds! Peter Newman (AHRI) and Tim Condon (Delta Ag) step through the prerequisites and benefits of windrowing barley, plus investigate the use of crop topping to manage weed seed set in the final stages of the season.

Part 2: Setting up your header for harvest weed seed control

One of the main limitations of harvest weed seed control is the ability to direct weed seeds into the chaff cart, or destructor, or any of the other HWSC tools. Once the weed seeds enter the front of the harvester it is imperative to get them out of the rotor and onto the sieves so they can be captured or destroyed.Peter Newman (AHRI) and Ray Harrington (Darkan grain grower) cover how to set up your harvester for any of the HWSC tools. Not to be missed!


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