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Success stories and challenges – using weed seed impact mills in the high rainfall zone

In this webinar, we discuss how to get the most out of weed seed impact mills in high-rainfall regions.


Each of the mill companies (Seed Terminator, iHSD, Redekop) gives an update on how machines are best adapted to heavy residue loads and tough harvesting conditions.

Three high rainfall growers then share their harvest weed seed control (HWSC) journey and provide insights into how they are persevering with a weed seed mill, and seeing results.

This webinar is facilitated by WeedSmart HRZ extension agronomist, Jana Dixon, and Kondinin Group’s research manager, Ben White.



Ben White, Research manager, Kondinin Group

Agricultural engineer Ben White is Kondinin Group’s research manager and former editor of Farming Ahead Magazine. Kondinin Group works with growers, advisers and industry to provide independent information relating to products and services. Ben has extensive experience in the delivery of research and has expertise in evaluating the performance of broadacre cropping equipment.  In 2021, Ben was awarded the prestigious Western Region GRDC Seed of Light award for his contribution to communicating the outcomes of grains research and development in WA.

Jana Dixon, WeedSmart HRZ extension agronomist

Jana joined the WeedSmart team as the Southern Extension Agronomist (HRZ) in 2021. Jana is an Agribusiness Consultant at Pinion Advisory. As a member of the agronomy team, her client base is located through the Mid and Lower North regions of South Australia. Jana is passionate about delivering whole-of-farm business advice to growers, with a keen focus on gross margin optimisation. She readily refers to the WeedSmart Big 6 when working with growers to implement IWM strategies.


Seed Terminator

Rep: Mark Bastian, Seed Terminator

Grower: Tim Williams

  • Conmurra, South East SA, about 50km from the coast, 635mm rainfall.
  • Continuous cropping wheat, barley and faba beans.
  • Annual ryegrass is the main weed issue, along with wild oats and bedstraw.
  • Running a 2022 Seed Terminator on a 9.90 New Holland harvester. Have been running a mill for 6 seasons.
  • More information


Redekop SCU

Rep: Marney Strachan, Redekop

Grower: Stewart Wallace

  • Esperance Sand Plain, WA. Annual rainfall of 450-500mm. With a farm in the lower mallee areas.
  • Predominately cropping canola, wheat, barley and some lupins. Small mob mated ewes to XB rams.
  • Main weeds are annual ryegrass, bromegrass and wild radish.
  • Running an integrated Redekop SCU on a John Deere S790 harvester with a MAV chopper for 2021 and 2022 harvests.
  • More information



Rep: Andrew Vearing, de Bruin Engineering

Grower: Bruce McLean, Fenmore Farming, Bool Lagoon – South East, SA.

  • Annual rainfall of 550mm-650mm.
  • Predominately dryland, with some irrigated. Growing wheat, beans, canola, clovers, phalaris and lucerne with other crops like chickpeas and corn in the mix in the past.
  • Running a iHSD seed mill since 2016 (originally hydraulic version, now vertical drive) on CLAAS 770 harvesters, not all in the fleet have a mill equipped.
  • More information


Relevant resources

Free online course – Harvest Weed Seed Control 101

For more resources on weed seed impact mills, visit this page.

By-pass mode can extend impact mill life, with Esperance Sand Plain growers Stewart and Jessica Wallace
Windrowing barley plus HWSC in the high rainfall zone, with Conmurra grower Tim Wiliams
Mills impact the weed seed bank, with Bool Lagoon grower Bruce McLean


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