View time: 1:15:00 minutes

Weed Seed Impact Mills — the bottom line

In this webinar we take a closer look at the recently released Kondinin report of research work supported by SA Grain Industry Trust (SAGIT) to assess the efficacy of the Seed Terminator and iHSD.

The webinar took a look at the recently released Kondinin report of research work supported by SA Grain Industry Trust (SAGIT) to assess the efficacy of the Seed Terminator and iHSD. SA consultant and agronomist, Sam Trengrove & Kondinin Group’s Ben White were in charge of the design testing of these mills and discussed the parameters they used to assess the efficacy of each mill. Nick Berry from Seed Terminator and Jud Wheatley from de Bruin (iHSD) were asked to respond to the Research Report findings.

This webinar was facilitated by WeedSmart western extension agronomist, Peter Newman and Kondinin Group’s Research Engineer, Ben White.

Peter Newman

Pete is the Western extension agronomist for WeedSmart. Pete works as a consultant for Planfarm, based in Geraldton WA. He contracts part of his time to WeedSmart to influence growers and industry to improve control of resistant weeds while increasing production. Pete has extensive research and project management experience and is a leader of agricultural communications and an herbicide resistant weeds specialist.

Ben White, Research manager, Kondinin Group 

Agricultural engineer Ben White is Kondinin Group’s research manager and former editor of Farming Ahead Magazine. Kondinin Group works with growers, advisers and industry to provide independent information relating to products and services. Ben has extensive experience in the delivery of research and has expertise in evaluating the performance of broadacre cropping equipment.  In 2021, Ben was awarded the prestigious Western Region GRDC Seed of Light award for his contribution to communicating the outcomes of grains research and development in WA. 

Sam Trengove

An independent Research Agronomist based in Bute, South Australia, Sam Trengove is involved in delivering research projects on behalf of GRDC and SAGIT.

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