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S06E01: Regional Update – Chris Toohey, Albury, NSW
Southern Region Elders Agronomist Chris Toohey joins us to give an update on his region. Chris is based in Albury, New South Wales. Read More...
S05E50: Green on green technology ready to hit the market
In this podcast, we’re joined by Bilberry CEO, Guillaume Jourdain who provides us with an update on their green on green spot spraying technology. Read More...
Regional Update – Paul Nelson, Croppa Creek, NSW
This is our last Regional Update for 2020. This was a new concept we brought about initially as a way to connect with you more due to COVID-19 disrupting in-person events, but it went so well we decided to keep it. So you can expect more Regional Updates in 2021! Read More...
Grazing and baling chaff dumps and Mateno Complete overview
Grazing and baling chaff dumps and Mateno Complete overview. Today on the podcast we chat with WA farmer Clayton South about his experience with grazing chaff dumps. We also hear from Bayer’s Australian Field Leader of Integrated Weed Management, Craig White about their new herbicide product “Mateno Complete” and how to use it effectively and sustainably in your farming system. Read More...
Regional Update – Ben Webb, Kojonup, WA
WA farmer Ben Webb joins us on the Regional Update to give us an update on how his year is panning out. He gives some insights into how he's gone using chaff carts and talks about a few other novel approached he has on farm. Read More...
Voraxor crash course and why you might consider a double paraquat knockdown
On this week's podcast we take a look at a different approach to double knocks. WA-based Farmanco agronomist, Mark Lawrence (pictured) shares with us the benefits of double paraquat and other strategies his clients in the medium to high rainfall zone in WA’s south west region are using. Read More...